By Iman Sadri

October 29, 2019
Farinaz Farzaneh is the name of a rising star in the fashion world. Farzaneh closed the prestigious LA Fashion Week this month showcasing her Spring 2020 collection. Farzaneh has been designing clothes since her upbringing in Isfahan, Iran. She has always possessed an artistic talent, is evident with her sketch designs and drawings. To get up with this up and coming talent in the world of fashion we did a Q+A with Farinaz Farzaneh in Los Angeles.

Iman Sadri : What were some of the influences that led you to pursue the fashion industry as a career ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : Since I was a little kid I always loved to make dresses for my Barbies. I had two small sewing machines. One was pink and one blue. I loved to sit in my room for hours and make different colors and different style dresses for my Barbie dolls.
And when I moved to America I was alone by myself and no support from my family. That was our deal if we move to the U.S., I don’t need any help from them. It was pretty hard but made me strong and brave person. So I changed my major over and over from RN to Pharmacy Tech, until I ended up in fashion. It was the field that I loved and I knew I would love to do this for ever.

IS : Who were some of your favorite fashion designers when you were growing up ? What kinds of influences did they have on you ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I always love the designers such as Gucci and Coach, but in Iran that time we didn’t have any store with these designers. On satellite TV I was always loved to watch the runway shows and get ideas to make dresses for my Barbies.

IS : Who are some of the fashion designers that influence you today ? What kinds of impacts / influences do they have on your work if any ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I love Zac Posen, he has a more contour style and I wanna be more into evening dresses.

IS : What kinds of skills / talents / passions did you see in yourself that led you to pursue fashion as a career ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I love drawing. My brother taught me how to draw when we were little kids. I was always into drawing, painting, 2D, 3D designs by hand or computer. When I was 15 for my birthday I designed my dresses and my Mom sewed them for me. All the girls loved it and sometimes my neighbor who was the same age and size would borrow it to wear for a wedding or an event. I knew that time I would be good in fashion one day. In Iran I studied Graphic Design, at the that time, however, there wasn’t a fashion school in Isfahan.

IS : Your LAFW show was a grand success. Congratulations on an epic show. Can you describe the influences / theme for your designs ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : My first collection for SS-2020 LAFW was rooted on freedom, peace and love. I moved here from my country to get my freedom back. It was really hard as a young women to move to the U.S. by myself and start all over.

IS : Can you describe the fabrics / textiles implemented in your LAFW show ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I focused on embellishments such as feathers, mesh detailing, and lace to add tough femininity to each piece.

IS : Can you describe the design process from start to finish that is involved in creating such a grand collection ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I was in Downtown L.A. to buy fabric for my fashion show in school and I met a designer named Fernando. He invited me to LAFW last year, so I went and he introduced me to a lot of people and I asked how can I apply for next year’s show. They gave me the information so I contacted them and went to the interview and talked about my collection and my designs and they loved it.
And because my inspiration are crows, which symbolizes bad luck and death and also life, magic and mysteries, because when you are not free it seems you are in death but when you get your freedom back it’s like you are alive again. And the other thing I did, the models cover the eyes and some their mouths because if they are not free they can’t talk, they can’t see, it’s like they are in prison. I want to show the world with this collection to be alive in peace with love.

IS : How do you go about choosing the models that wear your collection ? Do you use one modeling agency ? Multiple agencies ? Independent models ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : LAFW chose the model agency but they asked me how I wanted them. I told them any race because it’s about peace in world and we all same.
“It’s about peace in world and we all same.” – Farinaz Farzaneh
IS : Can you elaborate on the business side of fashion design ? Where you sell your designs ? Retail department stores that you would like to carry your work ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : Right now I don’t have any store or even online store. I got a lot of good feedback and even they asked me to order but unfortunately I don’t have any store yet. I’m looking for a team and a seamstress to work to also get the small studio for start. My mom and I did everything (25 dresses).
IS : What was the process / steps to getting your work to be selected by LAFW and then closing out LAFW ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : I had an interview with them and they loved the story behind the show. And also I was the only designer who was new in fashion industry without any big background. They asked me to close the LAFW because of the strong backstory and inspiration.
“I want to show the world with this collection to be alive in peace with love.” – Farinaz Farzaneh
IS : Imagine you are 100 years old and are reading your Wikipedia profile. What other career highlights / personal milestones would you like to see on the list ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : Iranian fashion designer / artistic director.
“They asked me to close the LAFW because of the strong backstory and inspiration.” – Farinaz Farzaneh
IS : Do you plan to have any of your work be displayed in fashion / TV for costume design ? If so, who have been some of your favorite costume designers / and films that you have enjoyed their fashion ?
Farinaz Farzaneh : Yes, I would love to one day to make dress for Lady Gaga. She is one of my idols. And the series I really loved and can’t stop watching is Sex and the City. Carrie Bradshaw played by Sarah Jessica Parker, is super stylish. And I would love to one day live in New York and wear dresses like her.

IS : What period in history (recent or ancient) has some clothing designs that you most enjoy ?

Farinaz Farzaneh : My favorite decade of fashion is 20’s. Stylish and classic.
Follow Farinaz Farzaneh on social media @FarinazFZ
Iman Sadri is the founder of @LASmileMagazine and @ThePersianObserver