How Smiles are Accentuated with Lip Makeup : A Showcase of the Lip Art of Vlada Haggerty

By Iman Sadri

The transformative lip artistry of L.A. based makeup artist and photographer VLADA HAGGERTY (Image Credit Vlada Haggerty)

November 8, 2017

Stumbling upon the lip makeup 💄 of Vlada Haggerty on social media has been a highlight for the week. Initially leaving me speechless. Fortunately I have this blog to express my emotion when the speech (or at least the words) come back. The lip artistry and makeup by @VladaMua is absolutely some of the best form of high art on social media that I have come across as of late. The lip color, design, and exposition helps bring out the smile. The brightness and symmetry of teeth become accentuated. It says a lot to be able to make nice teeth look better when you are adding tone and texture art to lips.

“The lip color, design, and exposition helps bring out The smile”

The lip makeup helps make the surrounding teeth even more salient. It’s not just bright colors with unique designs that I have found on @VladaMua’s Instagram site. She has patterns with non-subtle brilliant designs that would make Salvador Dali, Picasso and Coco Chanel proud.

Vlada Haggerty makes lip art with original artistry. (Image Credit Vlada Haggerty)

The lip artistry of Vlada Haggerty has helped make her the Editor in Chief of Smashbox Cosmetics. And deservedly so. It takes a combination of creativity, artistry, auture-ness, and striking photography to be able to achieve these results.

” It says a lot to be able to make nice teeth look Even better when you are adding Color and other art to lips. “

Vlada Haggerty’s Lip Aritstry also includes jewlery. The shine of the jewelry mixed with the color palatte helps achieve results that make the teeth with a mouth in a relaxed state part of the artistic symmetry. (Image Credit Vlada Haggerty)

Lip jewelry shown above by @VladaMua helps make the teeth with the mouth even in a relaxed state part of an overall symmetry. Whether its diamonds or ornamental patterns, the teeth standout even when not smiling. They serve as a piece in an imaginative and revelatory design in which smiles are heightened with stunning lip art and makeup.

Iman Sadri is the founder of @HollywoodSmileTV and @ThePersianObserver