Tags Persian comedian

Tag: persian comedian

Dan Ahdoot : Star of Food Network’s Raid The Fridge

By Iman Sadri Dan Ahdoot stars in Food Network's Raid The Fridge (Image Credit IMDB)

Q+A with a Rising Star : Comedian and Actress Sarah Fatemi

By Iman Sadri August 14, 2018 Sarah Fatemi is one of the fresh young faces and one of the only females in the Iranian American community...

Prolific Persian : Q+A with Iranian American Comedian Melissa Shoshahi

By Iman Sadri March 26, 2018 Melissa Shoshahi is a rare and unique talent in the Iranian-American community. And one who merits acclaim. She is a...

Nasim Pedrad Starring in People of Earth on TBS

By Iman Sadri July 28, 2017 Nasim Pedrad is starring in the TBS series People of Earth. Joining the cast in Season 2, as Alex Foster,...
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