Why Edgar Ramirez Should be the Face of Creed Fragrance

By Iman Sadri

May 23, 2018

Just the other day I was at the Creed boutique inside Bloomingdale’s in Costa Mesa, California. I had a conversation with a gregarious and well versed Creed sales executive, Marisa. I asked her, “Who do you think should be the face of Creed Men’s Fragrances ?” Marisa said that she needed to take her time with the answer and get back to me. At that moment it got me thinking about who my selection would be. I discovered Creed Fragrances a little over a year ago. A neighbor of mine was coming in to our condo elevator and an unbelievable scent followed him in. Like an invisible force made to galvanize one’s sense of smell. I asked him the name of the cologne he was wearing. His reply was Creed Irish Tweed. Immediately, I said to myself I have to get this cologne.

The Creed Boutique in Las Vegas

Since that encounter I have become well versed with Creed fragrances. I have gone through two bottles each of the Irish Tweed and the Aventus fragrances – my favorites. Ever since finding out about this ambrosial brand I have to come to learn of its rich and enduring history. Creed, based in Paris, was started in 1760 and has been worn by French Kings and Queens, European royalty and Heads of State. Now, Olivier Creed, is the master perfumer responsible for many of Creed fragrances – including personally creating the Aventus and Irish Tweed fragrances.

The masculinity of Edgar Ramirez makes him a top selection to be the face of Creed fragrances.

In LA Smile Magazine, which has its first print issue coming out this summer, Edgar Ramirez has been voted as having a fan favorite smile, after a series of Instagram story surveys. It’s a smile that evokes a zeal for life. A swagger built to take on the world – qualities that Creed helps accentuate with their nectarous redolence.

Edgar Ramirez’s should be the face Creed according to Iman Sadri – an executive who links high profile individuals with beauty and dental companies.

Marisa, an Orange County, California based Creed exec, also concurs with the selection that Edgar Ramirez should be the face of Creed Men’s Fragrances. She adds, “You wan’t someone who displays an animalistic and masculine instinct.”

Marissa V., an Orange County, California based Creed Boutique executive.

Remember Edgar, if anything comes of this, all we ask is 10 %.

“Edgar Ramirez has A swagger built to take on the world – qualities that Creed helps accentuate with their nectarous redolence” – Iman Sadri

Iman Sadri is the founder of @LASmileMagazine and @PersianObserver and does product placement for celebrities and high profile clientele.