I have been a fan of BTS since 2015 when I was around 13 and my interest is still going strong! When I first heard about BTS from my 7th grade friends, I didn’t understand how people could listen to music when they don’t understand the language. But my friends liked it and I asked them to show me. When they showed me a couple of music videos, I was immediately drawn to the what I heard and saw. I realized that, surprisingly, I did not notice that they were singing and rapping in another language. Over time, I became dedicated to learning everything I could about them and other Kpop groups—however, BTS always had a special place for me. BTS always brightened up my day, just seeing them would make me smile. They still do. Because I do not speak Korean, I looked up the lyrics and thought they were very thoughtful and deep in a way that most songs I had listened were not. Now three years later, the lyrics to their songs have gotten much more realistic, relatable, and I can not get enough of it!
Laila a big fan of BTS, with her sister Mojgan
In 2016, I was able to go to their concert in Anaheim with a friend. It was such a great experience that I will never forget. Luckily, the leader of the seven boy group speaks English fluently so I was not lost during the concert. Going from watching YouTube videos of their concerts to then going to one of their concerts was unreal! The rest of the BTS members tried their hardest to speak English which meant a lot because I can see that they try their hardest to please all their fans no matter where in the world they are. They seem to really appreciate their fans constantly remind us, through their videos, on their TV appearance and their concerts, how grateful they are to have us.
It’s a little odd to think that seven boys from Korean could influence you, but that’s what the have done. Before I became a fan, I used to not care at all about what I would wear; everything I wore was colorless and may not have looked great on me. After being a fan of BTS, I started to wear different colored clothes and became very invested in fashion, dance and makeup. I even became a little more outgoing and aware social and political issues. They have prompted a change in me that I believe has been for the better.
Laila and friend – both big fans of BTS at the BTS Anaheim concert.
When people question why I like music that I can’t understand or why I like such ‘feminine’ (not all the time) looking boys, I stopped trying to explain because all that matters is how I feel. As I get older, I might not be as invested but I won’t stop listening or remembering them. I always look forward to their next album, concert, or video of any kind. For now, I can’t wait to see them again in concert when they come to the Staple Center in September !