August 4, 2023

Special to The Persian Observer
By Mohammad Sadri
As a father one is automatically expected to be proud of their kids, because they are one’s own flesh and blood and were born partly out of one’s own seed.
As I reached the age of being an octogenarian I have been most fortunate to see my three boys grow up into men. All three of them have become doctors. Two dentists and one eye surgeon.
I am proud of each, and everyone of them equally however, every once in a while, one of them accomplishes a feat, which truly makes a remarkable difference to the world.
This past week my middle son, Ehsan, the ophthalmologist, was able to accomplish a medical feat that no money can buy. He was able to give the gift of sight to a patient who wasvirtually blind with severe cataracts for decades.
Ehsan performed corrective laser eye treatment, and was able to restore sight to this patient and completely changed his life.
To be able to go from not being able to see to have perfect vision after a short appointment is a miracle. This patient can finally see pretty much for the first time in his life.
I’ve written this op-ed to deliver kudos to my son Ehsan for making humanity a better place. I am proud to be his father.
He also was able to perform LASIK surgery on my youngest son, Iman, who no longer needs corrective glasses or contacts.
And most impressively he was able to work on me to also do laser corrective eye treatment, and I no longer work glasses at the age of 83. Often many medical providers do not work on family. It is very rare for doctors to do surgical cases on their own family members due to the risk and liability involved, as well as the pressure to perform.
Ehsan not only welcomes these challenges, but is excited to work on family members.
His prowess as an eye surgeon has made him one of the most sought after eye doctors in all of California. I’m proud to be his father and humanities most fortunate to have him as a patron of restoring vision.